Buckthorn Bumelia (Sideroxylon lycioides), is a perennial tree of the Sapotaceae family and is native to Tennessee. Its range is relatively small, stretching only into Middle Tennessee and parts of surrounding states like Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, as well as the panhandle of northern Florida. Because of its small range, it is threatened or endangered in two US states. The Buckthorn Bumelia has small white flowers that bloom in June, July, and August and produces berries that start green and turn black during late summer. Birds like to snack on the Buckthorn Bumelia’s berries, and livestock can often be found using the leaves as a meal. This tree has many other names like “Buckthorn Bully,” “Buckthorn,” “Smooth Bumelia,” and “Ironwood,” but its most common name is Buckthorn Bumelia.