Winged Elm (Ulmus alata) is a native and endemic tree to south-central and southeastern US, meaning it mostly only appears in this geographical area. Some Winged Elms are grown in New Zealand, but the majority of them are found in the US. The Winged Elm can grow up to 45 feet, but some especially notable trees have reached almost 90 feet tall. According to Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, “in the 18th and 19th centuries, the fibrous inner bark was made into rope for fastening covers of cotton bales. … “the common and Latin species names refer to the distinctive broad, corky wings present on some twigs.” “Wahoo” was what the Creek Indian tribe called it, from the Muskogee word vhahwv. Due to its strength and resistance to splitting, the lumber of the Winged Elm is used to make hockey sticks.